My intention is to help human beings be happier and healthier
With a Ph.D. in Pharmacy and a Master's degree in Marketing from HEC Business School, I worked for seventeen years for companies and startups as an E-Commerce Consultant between San Francisco and Paris. Today, I am a certified business coach (Linkup Coaching, Paris, France, RNCP 7), specializing in emotional intelligence and mindfulness meditation (Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute, San Francisco, Engage Program). I accompany individuals in reaching their goals, whether personal or professional. Since 2012, I have been practicing meditation and yoga and have been experimenting with various personal development techniques for over twenty-five years, particularly in the United States where I lived. I now offer coaching and mindfulness programs to help you develop your authenticity, your unique potential and your relationship with others.
I have always been guided by the desire to have a professional project that makes sense, and reflects who I am, without a facade. Being able to be myself, and solely myself, all day long, at work and in life, in full integrity. At the service of others.
Trained as a Pharmacist, I gradually became aware that the body talks. Today, with yoga practices, mindfulness meditation, fasting and personal development, my approach to good health is more holistic. I further focus on preventive and integrative approaches to medicine (body, mind, spirit, environment). Taking a pill to get better can sometimes be an easy solution; easier than going inward to explore the source of the illness and listen to one's deeper needs. It is therefore a choice to ignore that something is not right. Self-development coaching, meditation, and emotional intelligence practices are healthy responses to restore one's inner balance (homeostasis) and achieve one's goals.
The practice of mindfulness meditation brings a definite benefit to coaching, both in my professional practice as a coach, and in the support and growth of my clients during the coaching process. I offer mindfulness coaching. Coaching is an exercise in mindfulness that serves the coachee in reaching his/her/their goals and in the collaborative relationship. Mindfulness reinforces coaching; for the coach (active listening, increased attention and presence, amplified non-judgmental observation, better self-awareness allowing for increased objectivity, additional tools) as well as for the coachee (expanded levels of awareness, greater insights, seeking mind-body-heart alignment, connection to the body and emotions) and the collaborative relationship (empathic, authentic and compassionate relationship enhanced).
The word "meditation" is related to the Greek medeo, "to take care of" or to the Latin mederi, "to care for", or "to cultivate" the mind in order to reveal its hidden qualities. As a mindful coach, I accompany each of my clients in finding their own solutions by connecting more deeply with themselves.
I now provide coaching and meditation facilitation to develop emotional intelligence and authentic, compassionate leadership to create positive change and well-being at work, and in one's life, individually and collectively. I offer one-on-one business and life coaching, as well as group and one-on-one mindfulness meditation practices. I work with both individuals and companies.
* For individuals:
- Personal Development Coaching, Emotional release coaching, Life coaching, Career coaching: a coaching process usually lasts between 6 and 12 sessions of around 1h15, after a complimentary preliminary interview and on the basis of a coaching agreement. To find out more, click here.
- Mindfulness Initiation Programs of 8 Wednesdays are held in groups at Le Manoir Hôtel****. Individual sessions are held online. Find out more.
- Meditation Sessions and Walking Meditations take place on the beach and at Le Touquet Golf Resort (golf course gardens for outdoor sessions; Manoir Hôtel**** for indoor sessions).
* For companies:
- Emotion management workshops, stress management, mindful communication (non-violent communication), introduction to mindfulness meditation and the basics of emotional intelligence. The number and format of workshops are tailored to your needs (half-day, full day, etc.). Please contact me.
- Group walking meditations take place on the beach or on the golf course of Le Touquet-Paris-Plage.
- Executive coaching: contact me to discuss your needs and work out a schedule and quote together.
I currently work via videoconference, in France and globally and in-person in Le Touquet-Paris-Plage (Hauts-de-France). I travel for business coaching, workshops, seminars and business conferences. I work in both French and English.
Walking Meditation 15€ (reduced rate) - 20€ (standard rate) - 25€ (support rate)
Meditation Session 15€ (reduced rate) - 20€ (standard rate) - 25€ (support rate)
Initiation Program 400 € (8 sessions of 2 hours)
Business coaching, training and corporate workshops, or private groups for walking meditation
Tailored proposal: fixed price to be defined according to the number of sessions, participants, the level of expertise of the teams, the level of personalized accompaniment, etc.
Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or comments, you wish to start a coaching process or discover and practice meditation.
I am delighted to accompany you in reaching your goals, by providing you with my coaching toolbox based on 25 years of personal development in France and the United States, a coaching school certification, and my daily meditation practice. I use these tools regularly in my life to overcome the challenges that life presents and I personally appreciate their effectiveness.
My professional goal is to guide you to take care of yourself, connect with yourself, and reveal your potential, individually and collectively. My deepest intention is to guide you on the path to inner peace and freedom, to contribute to peace on earth, one person at a time. You will thus offer me, in return, the opportunity to reach my own goal.
"If there is Light in the Soul, there is Beauty in the Person,
If there is Beauty in the Person, there is Harmony in the House,
If there is Harmony in the House, there is Order in the Nation,
If there is Order in the Nation, there is Peace in the World."
Asian proverb
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson