Train your brain, align your heart-body-spirit and develop your emotional intelligence to feel better, both in your game and in your life.
Golfers and non-golfers at Le Touquet Golf Resort & Le Manoir Hôtel****, discover mindfulness meditation and/or join us for a meditation session!
Golfers: combine mindfulness training with physical training.
Non-golfers: this activity is also for you.
A look back at the "Learn to listen to yourself to improve your game" conference held on January 19, 2024 at Le Touquet Golf Resort.
Available to everyone, meditation is a simple practice (yet not an easy one, as it requires a certain effort) aimed at developing mindfulness, calming the mind, and learning to listen to ourselves. No experience is required.
Mindfulness meditation trains the brain, just as sport trains the body. Like showering to maintain body hygiene, meditation maintains mental hygiene.
Proven today by neuroscience, mindfulness meditation has numerous health benefits, including improved sleep, reduced stress and anxiety, effects on pain and depression, regulation of blood pressure, increased immunity and reduced ageing.
Beyond the health benefits, for golf, meditation will help you develop motivation, concentration, grounding, visualization, confidence, resilience, intention, attention, risk management, letting go, maintaining neutrality and objectivity, and clarity to stay focused on what's really important.
Through breathing, a quality of presence focused on the present moment, meditation will enable you to get in touch with what's happening in your body at any given moment and to observe your thoughts, without judging them; thoughts that have a direct effect on your body while you're playing.
With mindfulness, you become aware of the experience you're having. For example, this means that you shift from "I'm breathing" (unconsciously) to "I'm aware that I'm breathing". Mindfulness allows you to focus your attention on your attention.
I'm your facilitator. My name is Sonia Kofman, a pharmacist by training; I've been navigating the world of health and well-being for thirty years. After several years in San Francisco, I'm now a certified business coach, specializing in emotional intelligence development and the practice of mindfulness meditation.
My intention is to help human beings be happier through better health.
I offer practices in French and English.
Learn more about who I am, what I do, my background, my approach, or my type of guidance.
I accompany you in the discovery, initiation, and practice of meditation. The two options are complementary.
OPTION 1: Mindfulness Initiation Programs to learn how to meditate
8 1:30-hour sessions, every Wednesday for 8 weeks.
Groups of 3 to 8 participants, golfers and non-golfers.
2024 programs dates:
from Wednesday, February 7, 2024 to Wednesday, March 27, 2024, Wednesdays from 5:30 to 7 pm. The dates for the 8 sessions are Wednesdays, February 7, 14, 21 and 28; and Wednesdays, March 6, 13, 20 and 27.
from Wednesday, May 22, 2024 to Wednesday, July 10, 2024, Wednesdays from 5:30 to 7 pm. The dates for the 8 sessions are Wednesdays, May 22 and 29; Wednesdays, June 5, 12, 19 and 26; and Wednesdays, July 3 and 10.
from Wednesday, September 11, 2024 to Wednesday, October 30, 2024, Wednesdays from 5:30 to 7 pm. The dates for the 8 sessions are Wednesdays, September 11, 18 and 25 and Wednesdays, October 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30.
Price: 300 euros.
Between practices, sharing, and theory, this is a warm, authentic moment, both with your inner self and in a small group. I provide you my full presence, my listening, and my loving-kindness. You commit to regular practice.
What will you learn?
In 8 1:30-hour sessions combining theory, practice and sharing, this cycle will enable you to learn how to meditate and use meditation in your daily life, both personal and professional.
You'll discover how to replace judgments (about yourself and/or others) by curiosity and kindness, develop patience and trust (in yourself and in life), learn to let go (of what annoys you, worries you, is energy-consuming) and gradually come to accept things as they are.
All this takes a little regular effort and engagement. It's like learning a new language, or a new activity like pottery or golf - you can't learn it in a single session, in an hour, on your own. We'll explore the power of attention, emotions, presence, connection, intention and conscious communication. And we'll look at how to use mindfulness to bring about transformations in your daily life, and in your golf game.
This cycle is an educational program for anyone wishing to discover a path to inner peace and calm, for everyday life or specifically for golf.
OPTION 2: Meditation sessions to practice meditation
1-hour sessions, at Le Touquet Golf Resort or at the Manoir Hôtel**** (indoors or outdoors, weather permitting).
Outdoors, the meditation session can take the form of a walking meditation.
When: Mondays from 10am to 11am.
Groups of 2 to 8 participants, golfers and non-golfers.
Price: 20€ (standard rate) - 25€ (support rate). I let you choose according to your resources.
If the proposed time slots do not suit your schedule and you are interested, please contact me; I can add additional slots upon receiving multiple requests. Please let me know the day and/or time you are interested in.
Advance registration required.
Between practices, sharing, and a bit of theory, this is a warm, authentic moment, both with your inner self and in a small group. I provide you my full presence, my listening, and my loving-kindness.
These formal sessions enable you to maintain your practice with regularity, on a one-off basis or over time, to go further, to share, to benefit from the energy of the group, and from my guidance and support in your practice. These sessions give you the opportunity to discover meditation and/or maintain your meditation practice.
"You have everything you need inside of you.
Winning or losing is not the focus of attention.
A player who knows what's inside of him focuses better.
It's not about game improvement, it's about self-confidence."
Sonia Kofman